Longing for Him
I'm sitting here having my quiet time thinking, "there's nothing on this earth compares to Him". I certainly have tried to fill my longings with artificial things that leave me empty. Thinking about Christmas time when you search and search for the perfect gift for your children or grandkids and finally get that perfect gift and they open it look excited and then throw it to the side and play with the box! You think, are you kidding me! If they only knew what I went through to get that "one toy" they so wanted. I wonder if that's what Jesus thinks when He sees us delight in a empty box called "things beside Him"? If we could only get a hold of what He went through to give us Him! He's the gift! we love all the empty things in life so often than just wanting Him! I'm just as guilty! wanting "things" and not "Him"! Sure, I know in my head and heart that He alone satisfies, He alone fills my longings, but living life I often play with empty boxes. I think that the empty box is more fun at the moment til I am reminded of it's emptiness.Then in my emptiness I cry out to Him realizing He is the gift! Reminding myself the price He paid to have Him! when am I going to know that the price He paid He did it for me to know Him? Not, just to stay out of Hell and that's amazing within itself since I deserve Hell but I get to call Him Father. I get to talk with Him, I get to bow before a Holy God!! His love and all I have in Him is more than enough!! He really is everything and He alone fills my longings!Father, please remind me to throw away the empty boxes in life!I love you Father, I really do!