The Churches

Today in our bible study,  we studied the first four churches in Revelation.  At the beginning of each church, Jesus would tell the angel to write and describe who He is. He reminded the church in Ephesus that He held the churches in His hand, He is in control and had the authority to do what He willed.  In the Church in Smyrna, He reminded them He is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. That was important because they were being martyred daily. The church in Pergamum, it is  He who has the sharp, double-edged sword. The Word of God. How they are to stay true to the Word. In Thyatira He described his eyes as a blazing fire and feet like burning bronze. Judging their church for Idolatry, acts of immorality along with so much more. I have to admit, it's been a "heavy" day for me as I look at each church and as I ask myself how do I reflect the church,  the body of Christ? He often said to them to be faithful and to hold on to Him til the end. To repent and  remember the height in which they had fallen. What a lesson for us all! A lesson to be faithful to the one who holds the body of Christ in His right hand. To remain faithful when pain and sorrow is such a part of the day. To make sure that I hold to the teaching of the Word and not compromise my beliefs when it is true to the Word of God. Knowing that He searches the hearts and minds of us all! He says that He walks among the churches and He knows what's going on. In all reality, that's a comfort. I find comfort in the truth that God is all knowing! I need to know that my life is in the hands of a God who is always there and knows everything! A God who is in control of every situation. Father, I pray that today as you walked among our study you were pleased! 

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