scary times
I realize it's almost Halloween but Halloween is not what scares me. If I didn't know that God is sitting on His throne during this difficult time in our country, I would feel hopeless! As I read in 2 cor. 4:16-18, God says for me not to lose heart even though I'm wasting away physically,( in other words I'm getting old) I'm to be renewing inwardly every day. The greatest thing about this truth is that he compares our light and momentary troubles to eternal glory. This life will pass away, I will pass away. God says that what really matters right now is what I'm doing for eternity. Not losing heart but keeping an eternal perspective. keeping an eternal perspective is very difficult. How do you not worry about today and concentrate only on the eternal ? Glad you asked! In verse 18, it tells us to fix our eyes not on what we see but on what we do not see because what we cannot see is eternal.I can tell you, what I'm seeing on the TV or seeing in the paper is definitely tempting me to lose heart! I'm so glad this life is not eternal. This will soon pass away and what we do for eternity will last forever. Studying Revelation is confirming this verse for me. This earth is going to pass away, God is coming again and he will make right for all the wrong in this world! That's a promise we can hold on to! So, I guess whatever happens on November 4th is earthly and what God does in my life is eternal. It's not what the world is doing, that's going to allow me to not lose heart but it's what I love with all my heart, it's what I spend my time investing in, it's what I worship that will keep me from losing heart and also will produce for me an eternal glory that out weights it all!!