There are no words
It's been 2 weeks since I have returned from Zambia. There's truly no words to describe the sweet orphans and widows we left behind. We had an amazing time loving on both. Monday was set aside to honor the widows. We gave them name tags that they cherished. They are referred to by "widows". Certainly, no one wants to be a widow but in their culture they are thrown to the streets. Left by themselves with their orphan child to fend for themselves. It was great to call them by name. On the back of their name tag we had written in their native tongue "Rejoice, that your name is written in the lamb's book of life"!You do not need to be a widow to rejoice that your name is written in the book of life! It's hard to rejoice about anything these days. Especially, if you watch the news. It may not seem like a big deal now that our names are in the book of life but read Revelation and I promise you this, there will be a time in your life or at the end of your life where you will "rejoice"!our COJ in Zambia was with singing, praying and lifting the name of Jesus. We also gave them a wonderful meal. One of the widows came and sat at my feet thanking me for the chicken she had just eaten. These ladies do not get meat. Sometimes, never and sometimes once a year! How excited she was to have her chicken and how blessed I was to be able to give it to her. I knew God had made that available to her. Yes, I do believe God is interested in giving us chicken! He gives us all that we need and all things to enjoy. They have a saying "God is good all the time God is good"! They would repeat that over and over again. It was a great time and humbling for me to see these women praising God and thanking him for all things when I knew the circumstances these ladies have to live in and the danger each day will hold for her as she walks to provide for herself and family. Yes, I left but these ladies are still there. I received an email saying they have vowed to take every Friday to pray and worship God alone.Seriously Father, these ladies are praying and worshipping you every day but intentionally every Friday? Wow! Only you can draw them to you and only God can give joy in the midst of such conditions. I went to honor these women for the Glory of God and I believe God was exalted because He promised He would. Before I went to Wiphan, I was concerned about what to share with these ladies when I knew they had such hard lives and I wanted to exalt the Lord so that He would draw them to Him. As I prayed for our time. the verse in Psalm came to my head "Be still and know that I am God, "I WILL BE EXALTED AMONG THE EARTH, I WILL BE EXALTED AMONG THE NATIONS". I knew then that God was the only one who can say I WILL and do exactly what He says he will do. So, I left Atlanta knowing in my heart God would be exalted and that I was to go and love on His children. So I did! and God did exactly what He promised. He told me "I WILL" and I believed Him.THANK YOU FATHER! I pray that you will continue loving on these ladies and protect them from evil .Protect them and hold them close to you. I have come to love 150 widows that I may never see again til heaven but one thing I know, my life is forever changed because God said "You go and I will be exalted"!Now, I need to "Be still and know He is God!Dot