Father, breathe on us!

As I pack to leave tomorrow for Zambia, I'm humbled and thanking God for this opportunity to love on these widows and orphans. Widows in Zambia are thrown to the street because the false teaching they believe is when a woman's husband passes away his ghost is attached to her and their children. They put her out on the street with her children. The only way to have the ghost removed is for her to have sex with a family member. Oh, what lies they are told! They need to know truth!In asking God what did He want me to share with these widows, I was overwhelmed.  "What is it that I can share with them that will give them hope in the midst of this difficult life?" Trying to put myself in their place, which is impossible, I thought "if they don't know scripture, if they can't read, if they do not have the opportunity to know truth, what is it I can share that will never be taken away? I thought in my own life of the most precious gift I have from God besides salvation and His Word and I remembered the privilege of prayer. That's it!!! I can share that no matter where they are, no matter what the situation, they can close their eyes and enter into the presence of God! They can cry out, they can sing, they can share their inner thoughts to the One that loves them the most. Because of the cross, we can call Him Father. Because of the cross I have access to Him. I can know that He wants to talk to me way more than I want to talk with Him. He is waiting on me, He is waiting on them to come to Him.Wow, no matter what our circumstances are or what country we live in, we can pray to the King. We can sing praises to Him, We can know that he hears us and He is aware of our lives. So, as I leave tomorrow, COJ will go with one thought and that is to let these sweet ladies know that they have the gift of prayer. They can "talk" to the One that loves them above all and nothing can change that. Nothing that happens in their lives will take this gift away! I'm so excited to be able to be God's instrument to share this truth with them. BUT,,  I'm excited that I too have this privilege.  I think I will close this blog for now and take that opportunity to go share with Him how much I love Him and how I need Him to open their eyes to this amazing truth.I'm asking God to breathe on us as we go. If He does not open their hearts to this truth, there's nothing I can say or do that can encourage them. I need Him. I need Him to draw them to Him and I know He will.  You know what I personally need? I need to bow before Him myself and chat with Him about our trip. We are going for Him and I pray they will see His Glory!

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