(Ages 18-25)
These are the mountains God is calling us to; mountains beyond our imagination, exceeding our wildest dreams and beckoning us to greater heights. These mountains are where we meet God, where we learn what we really think of God. Do we really trust God, do we really love Him and are we willing to go wherever He may lead us? Even if that means a path you never expected to find yourself on or down a seemingly dead end road. Do we really have what it takes?
Whatever path you are on, there is a mountain God is calling us to, a mountain full of possibilities, adventures and wonders. God will make a way where there is no way, but first we must go where there is no way, which can be tiring, lonely, disappointing and just flat out hard. These are the times we learn to hear our Father’s voice, “The sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out…He goes before them and the sheep follow Him for they know His voice.” John 10:3-4
We may run, walk crawl or inch our way through it, but once we’ve made it to the top above the timberline, we can stand strong knowing there is no greater love than the love of God carrying us through each trial, each test to his pinnacle of grace.
Cara Bowen
Cara Bowen, Director For Young Adults (ages 18 to 25)
Cara’s wants to invite young women into the process of restoration and freedom through her writing and speaking. Our hope is that through your trials and testing, you can keep moving forward, keep fighting for your faith, and dare to dream about what’s possible in your life.