God is Good
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
Cup of Joy went to Zambia a few years ago and one of my favorite memories is hearing the African women say, “God is good all the time, all the time God is good”. As I looked around at all the precious widows, I found myself thinking, “How can you believe God is good? Look at your circumstances!”
There are times when each of us struggles and thinks that God is good based only on the circumstances surrounding us at the time. If something great happens, we are quick to say “God is so good!” but if something bad happens—based on our own opinion of what is bad—we may think, “God what are you doing? How can we believe You are good?” This is a basic struggle between knowing the truth and believing lies. The truth is that God’s goodness is not based on opinion nor is His goodness based on the goodness or difficulties in life. One lie that is often embraced is that God is not good when we find ourselves in difficult circumstances. Another lie is that God wants us to be happy.
The truth is that God wants to give us so much more than happiness. Happiness comes and goes depending on what is going on in life or the emotions we feel in response to what is going on in life. God came to give us peace and He is our peace. Therefore, as we seek Him, we seek the Prince of Peace. Peace is a byproduct of believing and trusting in the character of God. God cannot be anything but great; everything He DOES is great. The God who is all-powerful is the same God who is good and wise. God’s power is a great source of comfort to us as believers. Out of this power comes the source of His goodness and wisdom.
- How would you respond to the difficulties in your life if you truly believed that everything in your life comes through the hand of a great, powerful, good God?
- What would your day be like if you truly believed that God desires to give you all that is good?
Meditate on Psalm 84:11 today and ask God to make this truth real and evident in your life.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11 NASB)
What does it mean to walk uprightly? You must trust Him and believe that what He says is true. Often, we choose to trust in our feelings and rely on what others say. I challenge you to know what God says and to believe it! He does not lie nor does He withhold what is best for you. Are you willing to leave the decision of what’s best for you to Him? He is your light (Sun) and protector (Shield). He is worthy of your trust! There is NOTHING He will withhold from you that is not best for you. And trusting He gives you what is best for you will also bring Him glory.
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