All Access Pass

By Dot Bowen

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus… let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:19, 22 (NIV)

I was a huge Elvis Presley fan growing up. Howard and I lived in Chattanooga when we married and had our first child. Christy was the first grandchild on my side of the family. When Christy was nine months old, Howard accepted a job in Atlanta. Leaving my family and the place I grew up was the last thing I wanted to do, especially with my new baby girl.

I’ll never forget the way Howard chose to tell me we were moving. Before mentioning the move to Atlanta, Howard told me he bought tickets for us to see Elvis in concert in Atlanta. He is one smart man! It definitely softened the bad news of moving. Nothing could have topped seeing Elvis in concert—except maybe an All Access Pass! I believe if I had been given an All Access Pass, which would have allowed unlimited access inside the performance venue, I would have moved to Africa! All Access Passes are very limited and are usually only given to the performers, crew, venue personnel, and local radio stations.

What if I told you Jesus has given us an All Access Pass to God. Would you be as excited if I told you I could give you an All Access Pass to your favorite entertainer? Ouch! Just typing these words challenges me. Is an All Access Pass to God more important to me than an All Access Pass to Elvis? The good news is Jesus has already taken care of it and purchased an All Access Pass to God for us. Elvis was named “the King of Rock and Roll.” Jesus is named “Kings of Kings,” and we have the opportunity to personally know Him and privately talk with Him. An All Access Pass often costs a great price, and Jesus willingly paid the price for our All Access Pass to God by dying on the cross for our sins. Our All Access Pass to God allows us unlimited access to His throne.

Do you think for one moment if Howard had told me I had an All Access Pass to meet and speak with Elvis I would’ve said, “I don’t have time.” I don’t think so! Even more so, I can’t afford not to make time to enter into the presence of God through prayer. There are days I think if I don’t get away and talk to God, my heart will explode. I’m just not strong enough to handle the pressures of the day. I’m just not!!

Why do you think so few of us take advantage of our All Access Pass to God? Could it be we think it’s useless to talk to God? Or we think the only reason to talk to God is to ask Him a favor? If these were the only reasons to talk to someone, to whom would you talk? If my children only called me to ask a favor, how hurt would I be? But then again, how do they know whether or not I will give them what they want unless they ask? One thing is certain, they won’t know until they ask. I hope my children understand I would never give them anything that’s not best for them, even if they ask. And I’m not even a perfect parent. So what would our perfect Father give to those who ask?

The blood of Jesus did not pay for our selfish wants and desires. The blood of Jesus paid for us to have all access to the presence of God! The prize is being able to go before the One who loves us enough to give us what will bring us most joy—His presence! Anyone can buy their own selfish desires, and it may cost them a life of regret. But for God’s children, we have been given all access to Him, and the only cost to us is making the time.

Further Reading

Hebrews 10; Ephesians 2:18

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