When You Don’t Have A Clue What To Do
By Dot Bowen
And now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. 1 Kings 3:8 (ESV)
What do you do when you need to make a decision and you haven’t a clue what to do? It is easy to feel the pressure to make the right decision and the fear that comes with making a mistake. I have lived long enough to know you reap what you sow. Because I have reaped the consequences of some stupid decisions in my life, I frequently feel insecure when I am facing a very important decision. There’s nothing more frustrating than someone saying, “You just need to obey God!” I believe obedience is not the primary issue! First, I need wisdom to know His will so I can obey Him. God hasn’t written His will in the sky, and as far as I know, there is not a verse in the Bible that says “Dear Dot, Do this: _________.” Wouldn’t it be great if we opened our computer to a message saying “you’ve got mail” from God or a reminder that God had posted His will on your Facebook page? In all honestly, we need wisdom, not a personal opinion. How can you possibly know if you are making a wise decision?
When I think of wisdom, I immediately think of Solomon. You can read his story 1 Kings. Solomon’s dad, King David, died and Solomon faced the responsibility of being the next king of Israel. I’m sure as he stood at his dad’s tomb he felt the overwhelming responsibility to fill his father’s shoes as Israel’s third king. As a young boy, what could he possibly know about leading God’s chosen people? He certainly didn’t have experience as a king and would never be as great as his dad. Yet, God chose Solomon to be Israel’s king. I find it interesting He didn’t call his advisors or his leadership team to set up his policies. He called upon his God for wisdom. I believe Solomon learned from his dad regarding the need to turn to God when faced with what appeared to be an impossible situation. Solomon started by reminding God he was just a young boy and didn’t have a clue whether he was coming or going (1 Kings 3). Boy, can I relate!! I can feel Solomon’s brokenness and dependence on God. Solomon humbled himself before God. Maybe this is the key to unlocking the wealth of God’s wisdom. Solomon acknowledged that God placed him as king of Israel so it was God’s responsibility to give him wisdom regarding how to be king. God was so pleased that Solomon asked for wisdom and not riches that He blessed him with both. I am not saying God will give you riches or make you king, but I do believe God delights in giving you wisdom.
It’s important to understand Solomon didn’t know he was given wisdom until he was in a position to need wisdom. If you find yourself in a place where you do not know what to do, and know you are in big trouble unless God does something, please consider praying. Are you facing some important decisions concerning your life? Humble yourself before God and acknowledge your dependence on Him. Ask Him for wisdom to make the right decision, and then wait on Him for further instructions. God will not hide His will from you. God will give you the wisdom you need when you need it.
Humble yourself before God. Ask for wisdom. Be willing to do whatever He asks of you. And then trust Him with the outcome. I believe these are the wisest things we can do.
Further Reading 1 Kings 3