Stepping Away

Life has been extremely busy for our family. Scott and Addie have sold their house and has moved in with us until their new house is built, and adopting a baby. Christy and Jim have had to deal with health issues concerning Jim's back, Kensie with Graves Disease and the other children having allergies. Cara has moved from Atlanta to California seeking God's direction for her life. As I type this, I'm in awe of God's activity in my families' life. So thankful that He is leading and actively working in the lives of my children.As for me, I have stepped away for a few days to pray and write. COJ's next bible study is in Luke and I'm writing the study. The beginning of Luke the angel Gabriel comes to Zechariah and announces that his wife Elizabeth is going to have a baby. It is an answer to their prayers! Except now they are older and probably thought God had forgotten about them. I wonder if they had even forgotten they had prayed for a child. I wonder if they had stopped praying thinking that God had said No. After Elizabeth gets pregnant she hides in seclusion. First she's lives with disgrace because she hasn't any children now she has to hide because she's having a baby. Thinking about this today and as I have "stepped away" from my usual life activities, I'm seeking God's direction as well.God had a plan for Elizabeth's life and she had no idea what that plan would be. She just wanted a baby like everyone else. Having a child in that culture was evidence of God's blessings. I'm sure she thought God was punishing her and if she did think that, she kept faithful to Him in spite of God's silence. I think its very difficult to keep faithful when God is silent. The truth is God wasn't silent. He was working! Perfect timing and a perfect baby boy that will be used to usher the Messiah that they so longed for. I can't help but wonder if we asked Elizabeth if the wait was worth it, she would respond by a huge YES! God's plan is always greater and better than we can imagine. I guess that's why it's always best to leave the choice up to Him. In pondering this truth in God's Word today and in stepping away for a few days, I have come to know that God does hear our prayers and He does have a plan for each of our lives. No, I'm not praying like Elizabeth nor do I want another child so it's not that I want to be Elizabeth. It's that in this story I serve the same God as Elizabeth and I can know He hears my prayers, He answers in ways beyond I can imagine or think. He answers in His time and according to His plan. I guess the only response to this truth is to wait on God and not lose heart. Not just to wait but to believe that God is a rewarder to those who seek Him. I need to step away and ask God to make this truth a reality in my own life. Knowing that God is working in my life whether I see it or not. God has a plan for me, He hears my prayers, He cares about every detail of my life! I am thankful! Dot

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