He is enough!

This morning at 7:00 a.m., we had our prayer time at Cup of Joy's Office.  There's certainly a lot to pray about these days. Every where I turn I see or hear from so many who  are going through such trials. Whether it's financial or physical or emotional. I just received an email from Focus on the Family saying they are cutting 159 jobs. You turn on the news to hear one more business going out of business. I know with Bowen Construction we are feeling the recession as well. Every one is affected. These are trying times!I heard from the Doctor yesterday that they think the spot on my lung is scar tissue and not cancer. That is great news! He was not certain until he sees all the old scans but for now, I will go with that! Yes, I started the morning early praying and I intend to finish the day praying as well. I feel like God is testing our faith. It's easy to trust when things are going great. I have said so many times that God cannot do anything apart from who He is! He is loving and He is kind! I know that God will answer our prayers and I know it will be for our best and for His Glory! I was talking with Cara this afternoon about some of the things our family is praying for and we started listing  all the great things God has done for us in the past and how faithful He has been to us and that we do not deserve what we do have.   To have the doctor call and say it's not cancer is such a great gift. We began to think of all of God's past faithfulness and before we got off the phone we were reminded that our Father is a great loving Father. The cross and salvation is the greatest gift of all and in this life if things don't turn out the way we think it should, we know we have a great God who wants us to love Him above anything else we desire. God is good and He is loving. His mercy is overwhelming! I'm reminded when Peter told Jesus that people are walking away because they did not like what he was saying and He replied "are you going to leave also"?  Peter said "where can we go? Only you have the words of life! In other words, nothing in this world satisfies like He does! Every thing else leaves us empty and wanting more.  We should run to Him not from Him!  I know a lot of people are praying and seeking answers. I can't help but wonder is the answer is in our seeking? Is the longing of our heart lie in the opportunity and privilege of prayer? Like Cara said "We don't have to worry, God has been so faithful to us and we don't deserve half of what we have anyway"!  So for today, I'm going to thank Him for what He has given me and not what I think I'm lacking! I challenge you to count your many blessings with me and focus on what God has given you,  not what you are lacking at the moment. In other words, is He not enough? If we have God, do we really need anything else? He is eternal! everything else will pass away! If we hold on to anything else, it will be gone as fast as the stock market!!!!

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