Very Thankful
I'm sitting here at Emory Hospital watching my sweet husband sleep. Today he had his surgery for prostate cancer. It's hard to believe he had cancer seeing how healthy he is but life never seems to go like we think. The doctor seems to think that he will be fine. Of course, we will not know until the report is back from the lab but I sure can't complain. Howard always says that we do not deserve anything but hell and if we get anything, it's a gift from God. I would love to thank everyone who has prayed for us. God has been beyond faithful to us and I'm overwhelmed with the goodness He has given to our family. Andy is preaching on the series describing faith. One thing he said is that for us to pray knowing God can heal but not knowing if it's His will to do so. I have prayed this so much lately. Knowing that He can heal and not knowing if He will. It's always a great reminder that my commitment to God is not based on what He can do but who He is! He is good, He is faithful, and He's mine! I really am so thankful that at this moment God has given us a good report but being reminded that had we not had a good report, the cross is more than enough!Have a wonderful week enjoying His goodness!Love you all!dot