God draws one more!
On December 30th my precious mother-in-law opened her eyes and saw her Savior. We received the call around 9:30 a.m. Sunday, December 30th. As the nurse washed her face with a warm cloth, Anna V said "that feels good" and then closed her eyes to open them in the presence of God. We are very sad to lose her but very thankful God has allowed her to live for 98 years. We enjoyed our last Christmas with her and we are very thankful God allowed us to have that time. She has left us a legacy of love and a special knowledge on how to really love unconditionally.I did an half-marathon and as I finished the finished line. I felt very dizzy and when I opened my eyes I heard things like "no heartbeat" "no blood pressure". They say a by-standard gave me CPR and a few heart pumps! I guess I have given my guardian angel something to do. After 3 days in the hospital, I found out that they had found a spot on my lung. I have never smoked but it appears that's not the only people who get lung cancer. My parents have died with lung cancer so use your imagination how much I did not want to hear about a spot on my lung. To have to deal with this was not on my day timer. I have had a pet scan and at this moment it appears to be a benign nodule. To that I praise God! Yes, It's Cup of Joy time!! It appears that my journey to Cup of Joy is always a journey to trust God in a way more deeper than before. I have yet to have a Cup of Joy that something has not happened that has been a scare of some sort. I'm holding on to my Father and saying "what's next, I'm with you! " The retreat is a full house!! every time I would see the number of women that had registered, even though I did not know the name but just the number, I would smile knowing that meant God had drawn one more lady to have a date night with Him. We are so excited. This is our largest group and we are thanking God. We love you all and have been praying so hard for everyone. What we know is God is drawing you to Him and we are excited to hear what He is going to do in the lives of each of you. He has already started working with me! Love you all!dot