exciting new news
wow! our website is up and i just love it! i hope that you will check it out.(cupofjoy.org) Addie and Robin have worked so hard getting all the information needed. i just love it! i can't believe our invitations to the retreat will be going out soon. we are already in registration and have several people signed up. the retreat is "The Bridegroom says Come", wow! our Father says Come.i have had to "come" to Him more than usual this last week. my precious Robin and her husband Chuck are dealing with the loss of a nephew. He died in an automobile accident. please pray for them. They give so much and i certainly count it an honor to be able to cover them with lots of prayer.I'm excited to have the opportunity to speak at CBS (Community Bible Study) on the 9th so i would appreciate your prayers as well. our bible study in Romans is going very well. i love the ladies and they are really digging in Romans. I have heard some amazing stories of life change! if you are looking for a great way to know Romans, please come. I hope you will take some time with your Father, Savior and King! He's waiting on you! sit at His feet and listen. i believe He is still speaking to His children.